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  • Train with Confidence! Insured and Liability Covered Dog Training Services
    Train with Confidence! Insured and Liability Covered Dog Training Services
    GC Dog Training & Pet Services LLC BBB Business Review

    Professional certified dog trainer. Behavior modification technician K9 instructor.

    Adiestrador canino profesional certificado.

    Técnico en modificación de conducta. Instructor K9.

    Servicios para mascotas:
    • Adiestramiento canino a domicilio. Obediencia básica y avanzada, (cualquier tamaño y edad).
    • problemas de comportamiento (miedos, fobias, ansiedad, agresión, etc.)
    • Consultor de cachorros (Clases para criar y cuidar adecuadamente a tu cachorro)
    • Formamos a los propietarios para que entiendan el lenguaje de su perro y puedan comunicarse con él/ella.
    • Paseo de perros.

    Questions & Answer Section

    What services do you offer for dog training?

    We offer professional certified in-home dog training and behavior correction services. Our aim is to help owners effectively communicate with their dogs, understand their needs, and provide them with theoretical and practical tools to improve their behavior.

    How does in-home dog training work

    In-home dog training allows us to work directly with you and your dog in your familiar environment. Our certified trainers will visit your home to provide personalized training tailored to your dog's unique needs and behavior issues. This approach ensures that both you and your dog feel comfortable and safe during the training process.

    Why is it important to communicate assertively with our dogs?

    Effective and assertive communication is vital in establishing a strong bond and understanding between you and your dog. By learning how to communicate assertively, you can give clear instructions to your dog, improving their obedience and overall behavior. Our training focuses on teaching you these essential communication skills.

    Can you help me understand my dog's needs better?

    Absolutely! Understanding your dog's needs is crucial for their well-being. Our training program includes educating owners about canine behavior, body language, and psychology. By enhancing your knowledge, you'll be able to understand your dog's needs, emotions, and signals more accurately, leading to a stronger bond between you and your furry companion.

    What kind of theoretical and practical tools will I learn during the training?

    Our comprehensive training program covers a wide range of theoretical and practical tools. You'll learn effective training techniques, positive reinforcement methods, behavior modification strategies, and much more. These tools will empower you to continue training and improving your dog's behavior even after our sessions have ended.

    Preguntas y Respuestas
    ¿Qué es el adiestramiento canino a domicilio y modificación de conducta?

    El adiestramiento canino a domicilio y modificación de conducta implica que un profesional capacitado brinde entrenamiento personalizado y aborde problemas de comportamiento en la comodidad de tu hogar.

    ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de contratar un servicio de adiestramiento a domicilio?

    Algunos beneficios de este servicio incluyen entrenamiento en un entorno familiar, atención individualizada, enseñanza de comandos básicos y solución de problemas específicos de tu perro.

    ¿Cuándo debería considerar contratar un adiestrador certificado y ó Técnico en modificación de conductas a domicilio?

    Deberías considerar contratar un adiestrador certificado y ó un Técnico en modificación de conductas a domicilio si tu perro muestra comportamientos indeseables, como agresividad, ansiedad, miedo, ladridos excesivos, dificultad para acatar órdenes básicas, entre otros.

    ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el adiestramiento canino a domicilio y el adiestramiento grupal en una escuela de perros?

    El adiestramiento canino a domicilio se realiza en el entorno propio de tu perro, lo que facilita su adaptación y mejora su aprendizaje. Mientras tanto, el adiestramiento grupal en una escuela de perros se realiza en un ambiente controlado con perros en entrenamiento, lo que le brinda una experiencia social diferente.

    ¿Cómo se diseñará el programa de adiestramiento para mi perro?

    El adiestrador certificado/ Técnico en modificación de conductas evaluará a tu perro y tus objetivos para desarrollar un programa personalizado. Esto puede incluir sesiones de entrenamiento individualizadas, ejercicios específicos y pautas para el manejo y la comunicación con tu perro.

    ¿Cuánto tiempo lleva el adiestramiento a domicilio y modificación de conducta?

    La duración del adiestramiento a domicilio varía según las necesidades y el progreso de tu perro. Algunos problemas de comportamiento pueden requerir solo unas pocas sesiones, mientras que otros pueden necesitar un seguimiento más prolongado.

    ¿Qué garantías ofrecen los servicios de adiestramiento canino a domicilio?

    Si participas activamente del proceso, practicas lo aprendido y dedicas tiempo de calidad a tu perro, te garantizamos resultados y que lograremos los objetivos que nos planteamos juntos, si requiriera una clase extra para completar el objetivo la clase extra sera gratis.

    Pet Services

  • One Sesion
  • Trouble Maker Short Course
  • Home Dog Training.Basic and Advanced Obedience,(any size and age).
  • Behavioral issues (Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Aggression etc.)
  • Puppy consultant (Classes to properly raise and care your puppy)
  • We train owners to understand their dog's language and to be able to communicate with him/her.
  • Dog Walk
  • K9 Services

  • Canine Detection course
  • K9 handler training course:
  • Detection K9 handler, Protection K9 Handler or dual porpuouse K9 handler.

  • Courses for private security companies that provide services with dogs
  • Compare and Chose your dog training plan
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week
    One Sesion
    • Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    • Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    • Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    • Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    • Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    • Teach the commands: Sit, Lie Down, Stay, Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Dog tricks:
      • shake hands
      • play dead
      • fetch, spin.
    • With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    • Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week
    1 Month
    Trouble Maker Short Course
    • Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    • Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    • Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    • Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    • Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    • Teach the commands: Sit, Lie Down, Stay, Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Dog tricks:
      • shake hands
      • play dead
      • fetch, spin.
    • With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    • Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week
    2 Month
    Basic Obedience + Trouble Maker Short Course Plus
    • Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    • Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    • Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    • Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    • Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    • Teach the commands: Sit, Lie Down, Stay, Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Dog tricks:
      • shake hands
      • play dead
      • fetch, spin.
      It depends on the learning time of each dog
    • With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    • Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week
    3 Month
    Intermediate Obedience + Tricks
    • Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    • Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    • Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    • Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    • Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    • Teach the commands: Sit, Lie Down, Stay, Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Dog tricks:
      • shake hands
      • play dead
      • fetch, spin.
    • With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    • Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week
    4 Month
    Advance Obedience + Complicated Tricks
    • Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    • Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    • Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    • Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    • Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    • Teach the commands: Sit, Lie Down, Stay, Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Dog tricks:
      • shake hands
      • play dead
      • fetch, spin.
    • With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    • Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    • Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    Compare and Choose Your Dog Training Plan
    1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month
    * All training plans on their regular basis expressed in this table include one session per week $ 110 $ 399 $ 700 $ 1300 $ 1600
    One Sesion Trouble Maker Short Course Basic Obedience +
    Trouble Maker Short Course Plus
    Intermediate Obedience + Tricks Advance Obedience + Complicated Tricks
    Dog's Misconduct Root Cause Explanation
    Worksheet (Physical and Online through QR)
    Diploma (Upon completion of the course)
    Digital accompaniment, During the entire duration of the course
    Work on the main behavioral problems, teach the owner to read the body language of his dog and be able to communicate accurately with he/she.
    Teach the commands: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    Dog tricks:
    shake hands,
    play dead,
    fetch, spin.
    It depends on the learning time of each dog
    With distractors and Long Leash: Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without pulling on the leash,Place Comand.
    Complicated trick of your choice: Turn on or off the light, Go to the fridge for a drink, Give objects to the owner who has mobility problems.(It depends on the learning time of each dog)
    Without Leash : Sit,Lie Down,Stay,Come on call, Controlled Walk without ,Place Comand.
    If you have any question of can you need any ours services please.